Dr. Pepper Ten Commercial Analysis

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In a USA Today study conducted to determine why men consume less diet drinks than women. They concluded men generally shy away from diet drinks because they weren’t “manly” enough. The makers of Dr. Pepper diet drinks needed to find a new approach. What would be the best tactic to gaining male consumers for their diet products? Would they need to keep the same diet label and brand with a change in how they marketed products? Would it be best to create a product with the same benefit of low calories as a diet drink but change the name? Maybe consider making changes to how the product is advertised and/or its taste. What would influence men to believe they could have a soda full of flavor with fewer calories? The creators of Dr. Pepper introduced …show more content…

Pepper Ten commercial advanced their claim that men can enjoy healthier sodas and remain manly, but the focal point changed. “There’s no such thing as good man’s land in me, a man just needs a place where they can be wild and free” are the words of the song in the background. They used all elements to promote a bold, manly and strong appeal. Mainly the introduction of the commercial was for men only. The song and words used throughout the commercial did not make mention of women. The mountain man in this commercial was Blake Gibbons who was a known actor at the time. In history, classification of a strong man was simply characterized as being able to survive and conquer certain activities. In this commercial while exploring nature the actor showed how consuming Dr. Pepper Ten did not affect his ability to carry logs, canoe and fish. Also, he ate tree bark and befriended a bear all while consuming his soda. The concept of using a mountain man image for this commercial was iconic in supporting what a strong manly man not only looks like, but what was believed to signify a man. The mountain man also proclaimed the drink to be “The manliest low calorie soda in the history of mankind”. He had a deep voice which easily caught peoples’ attention. Another characteristic of what people consider to be a sign of a manly man. Even though most of the things he did in the commercial were unrealistic, it still portrayed men from the perspective of American culture and history compared to the 2011