
Drug Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

410 Words2 Pages

Drug Abuse. (2001). In World of Sociology, Gale. Received from http://0-www.credoreference.com.www.whitelib.emporia.edu/entry/worldsocs/drug
The objective of this article is to define drug abuse and help readers gain knowledge on the different types of drug abuse, effects, and the different treatments that are available for drug abuse. The information this article gives pertains to my annotated bibliography in varies ways. This article offers information on drug abuse while explain the process behind it. This also shows the different types of abuse towards the drugs and how to end the cycle through treatment and awareness. I would use this as a source because it holds information to what my theme topic pertains too.
"Drug Abuse: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. . …show more content…

Drug abuse is a serious epidemic public health issue that affects everyone in the community, including family. Throughout the reading of the article, the author shows videos/tutorials, current news, and varies organizations whom someone can call to seek treatment or knowledge about the epidemic. This article is being used for my annotated bibliography due to the variety of information. This article has included videos/tutorials that moves the author’s concept more towards the audience. This resource is accurate because it was published through the U.S Department of Health and Human Services in collaborated with the U.S National Library of

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