Drug Testing At Home Essay

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Reasons Why You Should Conduct Drug Testing at Home

Drug addiction is of a huge concern in any country. And despite numerous appeals by the government in trying to prevent the circulation of these illicit substances, still some individuals are able to find means on how to make it possible to get hold of these substances. Regardless how the Drug Enforcement Agency may have made all efforts to control these substances from getting into the hands of the people, clandestine laboratories have mushroomed in different countries and are able to enter the country unnoticed.
It is frightening to know that the younger generation have become the easy target for this kind of business because of their vulnerability. Drug dealers take advantage of the teen’s …show more content…

There are two type of children who would instantly say no to drug testing:
1. The very sensitive child
2. The child that uses drugs

To conduct drug testing at home should not be seen as losing the trust of parents to their children. Because in reality, sometimes, no matter how much aware the children are about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, when they fall with the wrong group of people, they might be tempted to try these substances because they do not want to be left out. Peer pressure is a huge influence with regards to how a teen has become.

Preservation of the Family’s Bond
Drug testing should not be a reason for a family to fall apart. It should be taken as a means of securing a healthy family which children should understand. Truly, a must for every family, is to have the commitment to look after each other. And to ignore the possibility of anyone getting possibly hooked to any illegal substance should not be overlooked.

Drug testing at home ensures that the family is kept safe and healthy and it also promotes a positive impact towards others, wherein other individuals may slowly see the beauty of having a clean living rather turn to drugs or alcohol when they feel that their world has