
Drug Testing In The Workplace Essay

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Have you ever been given a drug test in order to receive a position in the work force? If your answer to that question is yes, you are amongst many other potential employees for many other jobs. If your answer to that question is no, your answer is most likely to change in the near future if you have plans to apply for new jobs. Whether it be a full time position in an office or a part time job flipping burgers, in today’s society, drug testing in the workforce has become a routine addition to the many company’s hiring process.
I have been employed at two completely different jobs that I did not have to take drug tests for. The two places I was employed at were completely different from one another. I was previously employed at local ice cream shop and I am now employed at a school. I had the opportunity to discuss drug tests with the owner of the ice cream shop I worked at and he revealed that he does not partake in distributing drug tests to his employees to save money as well as avoid confrontation. However, in order to become employed at the organization I work with now, I had to take a TB test as well as give my fingerprints, however, I was never …show more content…

Employers hire their employees based off of who they believe will work best in thier needed positions. Ultimately, most employers do not typically hire people who regularly use drugs due to the side effects drugs can potentially cause. In addition to that, drug testing also prevents an unsafe working environment. According to EHS Today “A number of workplace studies measuring the accident rates of companies before and after implementing drug testing indicate that drug testing is indeed an important safety factor”

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