Drug Testing Satire

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Employers have always had concern about their employees performing their certain jobs properly and to their highest ability while being under the influence of drugs. In order to understand this prompt we have to see the reason why drug testing is such a big deal in the workforce. This issue has been such a big deal that we have had to involve the U.S Supreme court in which they have decided three “government interests” to give reasons for drug testing. The first reason is to keep the integrity of the employees while they are doing their job. Second, is for the safety of others, while last is to protect information that is sensitive to the company and to others. Really this comes down to the safety of others, and this includes the company, fellow …show more content…

A new drug tests have been developed that uses a swab of saliva rather than blood or urine samples. This ensures faster results and ensures this is a noninvasive test, where “employees do not have to suffer the embarrassment of having to ‘pee in a cup’ or having the painful experience of having blood drawn.” We see that the writer of this exposition believes that drug testing is a benefit, “allowing employers to drug test their employees is very important to keeping the workplace safe and ethical,” but it just need to be a little less invasive and a little more effective than what is currently implemented. The legal and ethical issues involved in this new drug test is that if this swab drug test is not proven reliable and effective, and an employee gets falsely accused and terminated, then the employee could sue. Perhaps what is missing in this evidence of these new drug tests being more effective than the older versions currently active. The author claims that the swab tests are “faster” and “more effective” from these “experts” yet they include no source of this being …show more content…

Was it a guy in his mom’s basement? Or was it the Food Drug and Administration? Maybe the U.S Department of Labor? These key details are left out and thus create no credibility that the swab test is actually “effective” and “faster,” they even fail to mention the potential errors that this test could face. As far as the probable arguments a person could make against this argument the first point could be a more popular point that many who are against drug testing claim- that is how regardless of any form a drug test violates the right to privacy because they are too invasive. This argument comes down to employers being able to trust their employees. If the work is being done to standard and proper ability, then there should be no need for a drug test. If an employees work is not being performed to their right ability, or to the standards of the company, confrontation and questions must be asked, and if they refuse the employer has the right to terminate the employee. The last potential argument one could write is what was discussed previously, and that is the lack of evidence in the swab testing in regards to its effectiveness and its potential