Dynamic Case Study Examples

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Lesson 2 ASD236 In this assignment, students are asked to review the case study located on pages 29-30 in their textbook. Next, students are required to write a 500-word essay describing the high-risk situations that occurred in the individual in the case study. Students must also discuss what helped this individual develop more self-efficacy using the dynamic process. The case study was a 49-year-old Caucasian lady name Jill B who was unemployed, divorced and looking for help with her drinking problem. The case study showed several high-risk situations that occurred in Jill B. I believe the dynamic model process began when one of the first situations that stood out was the fact that she was unemployed. Being unemployed can cause a person to fall into self-pity and feel sorry for themselves. Most people that are unemployed can be on a timetable if they don 't get a job by a certain time they can become very anxious and impatient. This is not a good emotional state for an addict. The next high-risk situation that stood out was Jill Polysubstance Abuse. Being addicted to multiple substances makes treatment very difficult. When a person that abuses polysubstance is …show more content…

However, it seemed like Jill 's Dynamic Self- Efficacy kicked in after she lost her job. She developed a daily routine of getting up and being determined not to take a drink, she began exercising and writing in her journal as well as job seeking. While making these choices daily, Jill created self-regulatory mechanisms that provide the potential for self-directed changes in her behavior. The development of this daily routine shows that Jill has the desire to succeed and she is self-driven to fulfill the daily tasks she set for herself. Self-efficacy beliefs help determine the outcomes that one expects and individuals with more confidence anticipate successful