
Dystopian Genre In Feed By M. T. Anderson

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With gains comes loss. As the world becomes to tear apart, so do the inhabitants. With this imperfection comes the meaning of life. Through all the flaws, man’s perfection and ability to succeed appears. Man is given the choice of good over evil and love over hatred. Without the ability to choose, the freedom of life dissipates. There are many genres of writing that authors utilize, but the dystopian genre stands out the most. Dystopias take what is wrong with the modern society and emphasize it in the work. The authors of dystopian stories take the problem and places it in a possible alternate universe. It makes the current course of action worse than it actually is to send a warning to the people to not continue the problem and to do something …show more content…

Anderson, represents things in our society that take meaning out of our lives and replace it with instant gratification and mindless-entertainment. In the sermon, “Entertaining Ourselves to Death” author Reverend Fritts talks about how life isn’t worth living without compassion when he says, “However, a life that consists only of entertainment will leave me feeling unfulfilled. I think a complete life a committed life”(page 5 paragraph 2). Readers can anticipate the comparisons between the content of the sermon and the characters in Feed and Fahrenheit 45, they share the similarities of not using entertainment as their main outlet in life. Characters such as Violet in Feed and Mildred from Fahrenheit 451, entertainment consumes their lives instead of using part of their lives solely for commitment. Just like the feed in the book makes the characters less intelligent and less able to feel strong emotions, M.T. Anderson is saying to us that getting addicted to things like television and the internet can make us less intelligent and less human. The growing dependence on technology and the entertainment media is a warning that this could cause us to grow less intelligent and less human in the future. Huge corporations control people with a device from birth to death. They control the advertising that goes through the people’s head to encourage people what to buy. This is the same for the modern society today since a majority of television are …show more content…

In I Robot, the robots served as personal assistants for their owners, making their day to day tasks more efficient. Proyas uses iRobot to warn society about how intrusive technology can be if it gets out of hand. He uses extreme long shots and birds eye view to show the overall outlook and differences between modern society and the current time period in the film. In the beginning, the camera zooms out to show the technologically advanced society that shows tall building and cars that seem to be hovering over the road. He also uses bright lighting to make the environment seem positive and inviting. As the movie goes on the lighting becomes dim and most of the music is suspenseful to increase how the audience is impacted by the film. Suspense is increased throughout the interrogation scene with the use of low-key lighting, eye level camera shots, and diegetic sounds.Rack focus was also used when the main character was interrogating the main robot in the scene. High angles were also used to show dominance when the main robot, Sonny, becomes frustrated and slams his fist onto the table, denting it. Therefore, the darker lighting, overview shots of the city and gloomy music show the negative results of the robots and technological advancements throughout the movie. The main character sets the curiosity for the audience since he continually questions the authority and duties of the

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