Early Diagnosis Of Autism Essay

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Autism is a lifelong neural development disorder that can affect how a person reacts to situations they are placed within. The brain and the cells within the body do not understand how to process the information, and will often organize it in an unconventional manner. Social interaction and communication can be restricted, and repetitive behavior will tend to occur. Often people who suffer from autism will struggle to make sense of the world they live in and can become withdrawn.
No one has been able to identify exactly why some people have autism and others do not, although many health professionals believe that it is genetic. However, the genetics related to autism are very complicated; therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if this is 100% …show more content…

Parents typically begin to see the changes in their child before their third birthday, and although it may only be small things at first these may grow into more symptoms. Early diagnosis has been proved to help the developmental stages of the child. This enables the child to deal with their social skills far better, than children who are diagnosed later in life.
Often a child with autism will refuse to speak and appear very withdrawn; however, they will use sign language or drawings to communicate. The child may become fixated on one item or their favorite thing and become distressed if they are taken away from their comfort zone. They are often interested in one thing and will know a great deal about it. Information is something that an autistic child can gather, and will randomly tell you fascinating facts.
Although autistic children are often slower at school, they will typically be very good in one subject. This is usually art, music or math and they will focus all of their energy on this subject, and will concentrate on this and nothing else. Coordination is not very good with autistic children; however, they can copy what other people are doing, and perform the same