Argumentative Essay On Autism

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Autism is a disorder of the brain, more specifically a syndrome and is a spectrum disorder. There are many different disorders on the same spectrum but autism is one of the most controversial among biologist today. The reasons for autism to in the middle of such a controversy is because of interesting medical findings and media portrayal. There are pros and cons to everything even in autism there are pros and cons. The most profound accomplishments in research of autism has been therapies, medications and common diagnosable traits. With using systems biology scientists are able to identify traits which are common to determine where on the spectrum the individuals are. There is a variety of different traits that an autistic person usually possesses like obsessive compulsive disorder to certain gastrointestinal issues. This is usually the situations in which a medication is prescribed, to help with any underlying issues they may have. Medications have a positive impact as they help to relieve the obsessive compulsive disorder and other common issues such as seizures and antipsychotics that …show more content…

Not long ago Dr. Andrew Wakefield, was researching autism and made an announcement that autism was caused by the vaccine MMR. This has proved to be untrue and many parents refused to vaccinate their children against many preventable diseases. In autism another factor is regression this is where easy functions such as speech or using the bathroom can be lost, and must be retaught if possible. At this current time there is no way to test and see if you are a carrier of autism or if your child has autism. The belief right now among some scientists is that autism is caused by more than just one gene type. They continue to research making new discoveries every day that are useful in DNA

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