Coping Strategies

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Parental Strategies of Coping used by Parents of Children with Autism
Parenting can be one of the most exciting, emotional and challenging stages of a person’s life. From the beginning of a pregnancy, having the appropriate medical care and loving support from families are essentials for a healthy pregnancy development. Being a parent is very difficult and triple the work comes to those parents that are blessed with a child with Autism. Every parent has its own strategy of how to cope with his or her child disability.
Autism is a serious neurological developmental problem that impairs a child’s ability to communicate and interact. Autism is usually detected on a child after the child is over 2 years of age because it is very hard to diagnosed …show more content…

Many people believe that everything happens for a reason and that God is the most powerful being in the universe who will not send you obstacles in your life that you can’t over come. According to the article, Coping strategies used by parents of children with autism, by Richard Twoy, Phyllis M. Connolly, & Jean M. Novak, where they used a descriptive survey on autism treatments and parental support, they concluded that there are many ways a parent can cope with a child with autism and how the parents ethnicity had to do with the method used for coping. Caucasians and Asian Americans revealed a higher coping score for reframing in Asian Americans and a higher passive appraisal score among Caucasians. Non-English speakers parents scored higher on spiritual support, while English speakers scored higher in passive appraisals.
Parenting is very challenging and parenting a child with autism is triple the work. Parents of such kids needs to educate themselves to understand their child’s needs and to be able to explain to others why their child is interacting and behaving the way they are. Some time people can’t understand why a child is misbehaving and that’s when the parents education proves them wrong and teach others what is autism and why the child needs more attention and love from all of the supporters they can