
Edgar Allan Poe's Death Research Paper

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The mystery of Poe’s death is argued and there are many different theories about how he died. Some believe he died of rabies, some think it was exposure to elements, and some believe it was an alcohol overdose or poisoning. The theory that I believe attributed to his death was alcoholism. I think this because there is a lot of evidence that points to this. He had a known history of alcoholism and there was evidence of symptoms on his death bed. To start, in the, “If Only Poe Had Succeeded When He Said Nevermore to Drink” reading from The New York Times, it is stated that he was found in an ‘alcoholic stupor’ and it also brings the point that he was known to have an alcoholic condition by people he knew and family. “Poe was found outside a Baltimore saloon in an alcoholic stupor on October 3, 1849, and died four days later. Supplementary accounts of Poe’s alcoholic condition came from Joseph Walker, a Baltimore printer who first found him; Dr. Joseph Snodgrass, an editor well known to Poe, and two of Poe’s relatives. Evidence of Poe’s chronic binges is strewn through his letters, in periodic admissions of …show more content…

The “Poe’s Final Days” reading from “Edgar A. Poe: The Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance” by Kenneth Silverman writes about how Poe was found at the Baltimore Tavern by Joseph Walker, was taken to the hospital, stayed there for a few days, and died. In those few days, he was there, he was incoherent and sick. “... Poe reached the hospital in a stupor, unaware of who or what had brought him there. Poe being quieted, Moran began questioning him about his family and about where he lived, but found his answers mostly incoherent. Then Poe seemed to doze, and Moran left him briefly. On returning he found Poe violently delirious, resisting the efforts of two nurses to keep him in bed. From Moran’s description, Poe seemed to have raved a full day or

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