Embryonic Stem Cells Pros And Cons Essay

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Embryonic stem cells have caught the attention of scientists and nonscientists. Embryonic stem cells come from embryos at a developmental stage.These are generalized cells found in organisms and are able to re-establish themselves and develop into other cells by using growth and repair. They also can be used to become tissue or organ type of traits. .They derive from the inner mass cells of a human embryo. Stem cells are pluripotent, which means that they are able to grow into more than 200 cell types of the adult body but only if they are needed to do so. They also have two properties: pluripotency, and their ability to copy themselves. Pluripotency means that the stem cells can make every type of cell in the body. Like most things in the world, embryonic stem cells have pros and cons. I am one of the people that support embryonic stem cells.One of the good things about stem cells is that they are not all the same. Different stem cells have different capabilities. For example, embryonic stem cells have the potential to become any type of cell in the body, including nervous system cells. With the potential of embryonic stem cells to be used as treatment to several medical disorders such as heart diseases, …show more content…

In the case of vitro fertilization, it is not yet certain that they can become human beings. Lastly, these embryos are not to be regarded as if they were living persons.
2 At the time an embryo is harvested, the central nervous system is still not yet formed- At this stage, an embryo has not yet developed a central nervous system. There is also no evidence that it can develop into a fetus which means that embryos are not yet capable to feel anything since they don’t have