Emotional Disorders And Effects They Have On Adolescents

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The period of adolescence is defined as the facet of an individual’s life between childhood and adulthood. This time is one of constant struggle and difficulty for the adolescent because of the many challenges that they face in their daily interactions at home and at school. I will seek to highlight and expand on a few of these challenges and the effects that they have on adolescents. Emotional Disorders Emotion can be viewed as a directional compass indicating a primary but not definitive type of reaction. (David F. Bjorklund, 2012). Most adolescents have not yet developed emotional autonomy and are unable to adapt psychosocially because of parents who are too restrictive. Emotional disruptions may occur such as abuse and death of loved ones …show more content…

Depression, eating disorders, stress and phobias are common types of emotional disorders that are prevalent among adolescents. Depression is more prevalent in girls because girls tend to internalize problems. Research has linked maternal rejection to depression in that adolescents who go through this stressor are more likely to be diagnosed with clinical depression. The adolescent’s environment at home also dictates the likelihood of emotional disorders. Chronic Stress such as an abusive home or constant fighting can be the source of a host of emotional problems. Bullying Bullying is more prevalent among boys (but can still be exhibited by girls) because of the tendency to externalize their problems leading to conduct disorders example oppositional defiant disorder. This is where a child exhibits a pattern of defiant hostile behavior towards adults. This can be demonstrated in many ways theft, vandalism and aggression are a few that we experience as teachers. Bullying can be defined as persistent and aggressive acts by one child (the bully) towards another child who is considered weaker (the victim). The type of bullying also differs between males and females. Males tend to be more aggressive and physical. Females however tend to use exclusion and more indirect …show more content…

Adolescent pregnancy is rarely a choice, instead it is thrust upon them because of circumstance. Pregnancy at such a young age has many adverse effects on the individual as well as the community. Lack of education about the use of contraceptives is caused by the strict religious views of institutions which advocate abstinence. Young mothers are often ostracized by the community and this leads to maternal rejection which produces a new generation of children with psychosocial problems. The lack of physical and emotional development of the adolescent makes child bearing difficult. Adolescents have not found their identity and are emotionally incapable of the type of responsibility required to be a parent. Physically their body has not developed for the birthing process. While menarche begins at age 11 for most persons, the body of an 11 year old is not physically prepared for the trials of labor. Although many cases of adolescent pregnancy occur as a result of promiscuity, the source of such behavior must first be identified. Promiscuity can be as a result of risk taking behaviors, outlet for frustration or as a weapon or defense. Many parents do not discuss the subject with teenagers or