Employee Recognition Response Paper

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The research finding and data for the assignment was compiled from sources through various web sites, publications, online journals and abstracts. The resources used are from educators, HR professionals and are presumed to be trustworthy and accurate based on the resource author perspectives of employee recognition programs and HR special matter experts. The research implications are generalized based on the data collected and submitted.
Types of effective and ineffective employee recognition programs The employee recognition strategy within an organization is the most complex step within the development of the program. Therefore, in reviewing literature for the paper, defining the difference between monetary verse non-monetary and formal …show more content…

Three successful factors were identified during the findings:
1) A successful employee recognition program must be supported by leadership and embedded within the organization.
2) The employee must recognize the importance of the recognition program.
3) Employees must receive recognition on a regular basis and not just end of year performance review.
One of the greatest barriers was lack of senior buy-in, human resources development (HRD) and management must encourage and influence top leaders to make a noteworthy impression, gain leverage within the organization (Aberdeen, 2013). In addition, the program must develop a footprint within the organization as part of its values and behaviors to fuel change and drive business success. The process will not happen overnight but with an organizational culture shift will lead to achievement.
The second element is acclamation from employees in order for the program to be effective. If employees do not see value in the program, then the face value of the program is useless. If successful, it will stimulate innovation and optimize performance. To ensure approbation from employees, an organization must have the …show more content…

However, it is shown that the reason why employees leave their job is because they do not receive enough recognition and praise deserved by management. Two-thirds of HR respondents indicated HR does not effectively enable recognition (Bersin, 2012). The worthlessness and inability of the programs can also be linked to the organizations’ culture not supporting recognition and organizations today still recognize service or tenure and not based on performance. Despite the money organizations invests in recognition programs which is about one percent of payroll cost, 58 percent of employees do not even know programs exist within the organization (Bersin, 2012). To influence the recognition programs more effectively, communication about the programs and the reasons for recognition must be transparent throughout the organization.
The review of this literature for the research is the observations of others about the types of employee recognition programs, elements, inabilities and worthlessness of the programs and should provide a good understanding to aid in the development of an employee recognition