End Of Poverty Essay

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Choose and research one policy that the US has adopted in an effort to end poverty (War on Poverty) in the last 50 years. In your initial post (Due: April 4rd at 11pm), share your critical review of the policy. Offer your own personal opinion on how effective you think the strategy was and any ideas you have on improving success in the war on Poverty. Basic guidelines apply (~600 words)
Poverty by Julee Pettis Poverty is defined as a “…condition of deprivation due to economic circumstances; this deprivation may be absolute or relative…” (Conley 371). In other words, poverty means that a person lacks a large amount of money and the support to provide for one’s family (“Poverty”). In 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson stated the United States was experiencing …show more content…

The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was referred to as, “The end of welfare as welfare as we know it. The PRWORA shifted more of the responsibilities of running welfare programs onto individual states, limited the number of months that a person can receive aid, and added other compartments to encourage two-parent families and discourage out-of-wedlock births” (Conley 381). The policy was created because many people were using the welfare system by keep having children in order to stay on welfare. That is the main reason why the Clinton administration wanted to set a limit for how long a person can be on the welfare program because he wanted to support families financially (Conley 381). At the same time, Bill Clinton wanted to give families the opportunity to get on their feet by getting a job and supporting their family by themselves. I believe that was Clinton’s idea to improve the economy because he wanted to save tax payer’s money by putting a limit on the length of time that a person can be on the welfare program (Conley