Energy 531 Week 1 Course Outline

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electric company. The program is brought to Alberta classrooms and communities via a 40-foot motorhome and delivers educational programs about Alberta’s energy resources and energy efficiency (ATCO Energy Sense, “Energy Education”, n.d., para 3). The programs are designed for grade 4 science and social studies curriculum. The program is administrated through ATCO EnergySense, an arm of ATCO, and is managed by two coordinators. The program also provides a range of teacher and resources including an energy landscape game, teacher resources geared towards electricity and power. Launched in April 2010, the mobile classroom is said to have reached more than 170 communities, 350 schools and projected 17,000 students and 47,000 members of the general …show more content…

The purpose of the course is to improve energy literacy, attract students to energy careers and foster energy sector research and innovation (EERE, “Energy 101”, n.d.). The course is designed to be delivered in a semester and is broken into five units that cover the energy literacy principles and fundamental concepts outlined in the EERE’s Energy Literacy Framework. The development of this program was led by the Department of Energy in conjunction with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Oak Ridge Association of Universities and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute. The course outline has since been used by the University of Maryland to create a pilot energy fundamentals course. To support this initiative an Energy 101 Dialogue Series was developed to discuss best practices for teaching about energy in a post-secondary context and to support a community of practice of energy experts (EERE, “Energy 101”, n.d., para …show more content…

The programming is designed for the classroom as well as afterschool groups and networks. The purpose of the programming is to promote energy education and to actively engage students and the public in balanced energy discussions and energy decision-making in the home and broader communities. Their programming emphasizes, “hands-on inquiry based lessons” and aligns with state standards (NEED, “About Us,” n.d., para. 3). The program has been in existence for 35