English 101 Reflective Report

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In English 101 there was so much information that I learned and it helped develop my writing skills. As the class progressed, writing started to become easier and my papers sounded more mature. Finally writing at the appropriate level was just as fulfilling as receiving an A in the class. However, there is always room for improvement, especially when it comes to writing.
As time continues in English 102 my hopes for writing even better papers grows. Several things are still putting a wrench in my plans of becoming the best writer I can be. Some of those road blocks include organization, grammar and punctuation, and finding something interesting to write about. Therefore, I am looking forward to learning how to write a thoughtfully organized paper that is interesting to any audience and has no grammatical errors throughout this course. …show more content…

A new trick I would like to learn in particular is learning when it is best to take a risk in writing. Last semester I felt like I wrote every paper very safe because I was afraid of failing. However, for this class I want to become stronger with writing and learn when it is best to take a risk when writing. Along with taking risks I would also like to learn where to find the best research for papers since that always seems to be a struggle when it comes to researching. Overall the research paper seems to be the most familiar paper and the most exciting. I am actually looking forward to seeing how far I have come from English 101’s research paper in comparison to the one that will be done in this class. On the other hand, I am not looking forward to the Annotated Bibliography simply because it is a new type of writing. This will be the first time I have formed an Annotated Bibliography and it honestly seems quite intimidating. Therefore, that project seems to be the most challenging out of all the