English 101 Improved My Writing Skills

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English 101 improved my writing. I learned how to distinguish run-on sentences from fragments. Application of careful thinking and thorough explanation on an analysis. Usage of commas to maximize influence. Learned to develop ideas further. Also, writing without a set format helped me develop my own writing style, so in the product my own Ruben twist shines through.

Looking back at the beginning of the year my writing was not developed. I think I had the raw vocabulary and thought processes I only needed to strengthen those skills. I look back to my first paper about my literary experience. I remember run-on sentences, no commas, fragments, and I think to myself "huh I did improve." Weighing my autographical essay to my research paper there is significant change. Run-on sentences and fragmented sentences were nowhere in sight because of the effort I put into the paper. If memory serves me right. My autographical essay received two to three hours of work. My research paper was given upwards of five hours of attention.

Learning to properly draft and revise my writing was a valuable skill I learned. I approached drafting and revising in a different matter. I found that writing my paper in final draft form helped reduce the time spent fixing, rewording, cutting sentences, or adding …show more content…

I had known about these websites beforehand, but I had always taken them for rubbish. English 101, however, with its deadlines taught me to utilize any available resources that will fix my paper and save time. Reading my paper out loud is a trick, which proved to be most valuable in the revision process. To further my thoughts, reading a paper out loud allows both your eyes, and ears to search for errors. At the beginning of the school year reading my paper out loud is a strategy I found to be pointless in my revision process. Now it is one of the many tools in my