How My Writing Skills Improved

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Over the course of my second semester here at Newbury college I have accomplished so much in EN 105. My writing skills changed drastically from the previous semester I changed a whole lot. I can actually write a very decent paper. I learned how to do this through time and effort that I put in the semester and also through the class. I changed a lot of things that I used to do while I wrote a paper such as making sure my grammar was great. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing things wrong but then when is see someone's comments and re read I can see my issues and EN 105 taught me to make sure it's my best work. My writing skills improved during EN 105 because my grammar and research paper improved through my hard work and dedication. At the beginning of the semester I started off with having horrible grammar skills, although they improved from when I was in EN104 they were still not to their fullest potential. But through the course of this semester I learned how to correct my grammar more. I began to read …show more content…

In the research paper that we had to do this semester I saw so much more improvement from me research papers from previous years. Its feels good to say that I have finally mastered something I always though I sucked at. I tried my best and looked for help from not only my professor and tutor but also from my peers and all that hard work paid off when I got my grade back and saw that it was an 18/20. I've never been good at finding the correct sources to use for my papers because I always just clicked on the one thing that agreed with what I wanted to say, regardless of if it was credible or not, but this semester I learned how to do it the correct way. I learned this from not only professor Deon But also from the librarian that came in to show us how to do these little tricks to make sure that something is exactly what you need and

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