
Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation

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When I was picking a book to read and to find which on I wanted to write my review on I saw this book online and it seem like a good book. A book about fast food. Who doesn’t love fast food. I believe we all do even if we say we don’t but deep down we do. Some fast food even delivery to your house so you don’t have too. In Eric Schlosser book; Fast Food Nation he beings his account of the American fast food industry. Fast food is the dark side of all American meal, it is a thought provoking, researched based account of the rise of the fast food industry. Fast food is made for a low-cost, and rapidly prepared meals. Who doesn’t love that a fast meal you can take home. I don’t know about you but I do. When I was reading this book, it was an eye opener. Someone like me who like fast food isn’t healthy for us to have it every day. To have it every occasionally, it’s okay. When a consumer eats fast food, it fills the stomach with high fat, low-nutrition food and sodas if you get one. In a soda that you get it may have 8-10 teaspoons of sugar. So is fast food bad for you, yes, it is but is it okay to have it yeah. Another point that got stuck on my mine was when they hire their employees they are adults that are uneducated and teenagers with minimum of training in proper food handing and …show more content…

It may fill in gaps that people may have about the fast food restaurants or answer questions they may have. Eric carried out his purpose throughout is book. Eric wanted to make sure he got his point across to the reader. He also did a good job on how he explains certain parts of the book. When I picked this book, it reminded me a lot of the movie or documentary of Super-Size Me, when he would eat McDonalds every day for every meal. He would it the biggest size which was super-size. As I was reading the book it reminded me of

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