
Erikson's Stages Of The Development Of Tom

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When he was still in the orphanage unaware of his magical background, Tom already showed unusual abilities beyond normal magical children of his age. He could move objects with is mind, manipulate animals as he wish and used his power to do harm to the fellow orphans. He bullied them with his special powers and stole things from them and hid the things in his cupboard like trophies. From the above examples of what he did, we can know that Tom’s childhood was not pleasant and he didn’t fully success in the 2nd stage as he did not obtain the determine to exercise free choices as well as self -restraint. Stage 2 is about the early childhood of an individual in which the crisis is the autonomy versus shame and doubt. Toddlers at this age , 2 to …show more content…

The success occurs when an individual develop an integrated and consistent self-view. The individual can gain fidelity in which the ability to be true to oneself and to significant others despite contradictions in value system across roles and relationship. Tom did have confusion about himself when he learned about his past and family background at school, he know that he was the descendant of the famous wizard family. He was obsessed with his magical background and felt glory about this but at the same time he looked down on her mother as she didn’t save her own life with magic and he felt ashamed to have a muggle father. Due to his unsuccessful development of stage 3, he didn’t have a sense of what is right or wrong, so he killed his father, grandmother and grandfather as he disgraced them. He covered up his crimes by altering his uncle’s memory, causing him to believe that he was the killer, in the end, Tom’s uncle was sentenced life imprisonment in the prison while Tom didn’t receive any punishment. It was not the only time Tom broke the law or killed other people and then covered up his crimes by accusing other innocent people. He opened the chamber of secrets and let the basilisk out to kill innocent muggle born Hogwarts students and then accuse his fellow classmate, Hagrid, of doing it. Deep inside Tom, he was ashamed of his parents and his self esteem was low due to that. So he named himself “Lord Voldemort” in order to spare himself of the reminder of his “filthy muggle father”. Tom was very into the Dark Arts, he read books about it and did a lot of research of how to split his soul. It is not normal for a student to learn these kind of dangerous and dark things but Tom spent his days in Hogwarts doing research about it. At this stage of life, the individual should find their ways to fit into the

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