
Errors In Romeo And Juliet

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Readers of Romeo and Juliet have most likely noticed that many of the characters did not think before they would act. Some of these characters being Romeo, Mercutio, Tybalt, Capulet and Juliet. Although Tybalt was not in the play for very long he clearly did not think before he acted. Almost all his actions ended in disaster. A great example of this is when Tybalt “challenged” Romeo to a duel. He was furious when Romeo was found at a Capulet party, which he was not invited to. Not thinking he charged to Capulet and quickly told him. Capulet, not wanting to ruin the party, told him to leave Romeo as he wasn’t causing any trouble. The next day, after challenging Romeo, Tybalt marched around Verona in search for him. Once he found him they battled,
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