
Essay About Moving To America

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My family immigrated from India. With no knowledge of this foreign country called The United States, they decided to take a chance to have a better life. Similar to the Metha's article, "The New Faces of America", I sometimes think about how an immigrant with little knowledge about a foreign country can settle and live a fulfilled life. My father was born in a small town called Jalandhar. Jalandhar is in the heart Punjab, a state in northern India. With four children to feed, my grandparents tried to make the ends meet. Even then it was somehow not sufficient, so when my father got married at the age of 24 and he decided to move to Boston with my mother in 1989.
Many immigrants today either have a degree or know someone who is currently living …show more content…

By moving to an unknown foreign country, immigrants today have truly proven that you can move to any part of the world and be successful even with a language barrier. As a first-generation citizen, I have seen the obstacles my parents faced when they first moved to the United States. From getting a job to learning how to speak a new language, I know the path was not straightforward. I acknowledge their sacrifice because I've seen countless stressful nights that my father spent thinking if he made the right decision and whether the outcomes were worth it. My parents moved to Boston together so they had each other to support, imagine the struggles solo immigrants face. Luckily, we have immigrant communities in every city; this makes America truly diverse. By joining these communities immigrants never feel like they actually left their home country. These communities have also helped us prove that everyone deserves to live a successful life and language should never be a barrier when we are trying to achieve a strong and rewarding lifestyle. After all, every place can be called home if you make

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