Essay Assignment 8: Adding A Supporting Platform

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Assignment 8: Adding A Supporting Platform
Prepared for Direct Marketing – Jackie Hivert
The purpose of this assignment is to assess a variety of social media platforms and document a proposal to add an additional platform to your current online strategy. You should choose a platform that will help you achieve your goal and objectives as well as enhance your existing Twitter account. You should view this assignment as your chance to convince your boss to invest in a second platform.
Fill in the provided template for three platforms that you would consider as the best contenders to review.
Platform #1: Pinterest
Target Market Usage
• Woman Dominate
• 55% of Online Shoppers pick it as their favorite online platform. (Wallace, 2018)
Objectives …show more content…

Note: as part of your overall Twitter Mark you will be assessed on interating this account with your Twitter account to reach your overall goal.
16 Pros and Cons of Pinterest for Business - (2018). Retrieved 8 April 2018, from
23+ Useful Instagram Statistics for Social Media Marketers. (2018). Hootsuite Social Media Management. Retrieved 9 April 2018, from
5 Benefits to Selling on Etsy. (2018). Retrieved 8 April 2018, from
57 Amazing Etsy Statistics. (2018). DMR. Retrieved 8 April 2018, from
Heine, C., & Heine, C. (2018). Retailers Can Now Make Instagram Posts Much More Shoppable. Retrieved 9 April 2018, from
Please complete this template and submit via the associated eConestoga Drop Box by Sunday April 8th at 11:59pm. Late assignments will not be

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