Essay Cover Letter For Mentor Position

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Dear Selection Committee,
Please accept this letter and the accompanying materials in application for the Vancouver Public Schools’ TOSA Mentor position. As an enthusiastic, diligent, and personable educator and leader, I am passionate about the transformative power of education. I bring a unique set of perspectives, skills, and experiences that includes:

• A consistent track record of monitoring and harnessing testing data and technology to improve student outcomes, including extensive experience teaching and monitoring remote students within an alternative education system • An exceptional understanding of the needs of diverse student populations gained from experiences as a practitioner in urban, rural, and alternative K-12 and collegiate educational settings • Ongoing experience leading educational change through professional development and collaboration with educators – mentoring, coaching, and evaluating teachers to help refine their capabilities • Advanced degrees in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.), Zoology (M.S.), and Curriculum & Instruction (M.A.)

I began my teaching career teaching high …show more content…

When students’ unique identities are authentically affirmed in culturally sensitive ways, the outcomes are amazing. We serve students from diverse backgrounds, each of whom needs to feel safe, respected, and valued to thrive. With a lens on creating an authentic and inclusive environment for all students, I am intentional in my approach as an educator and leader. Between leading professional development training, crafting grants, creating policies with school leadership teams, and serving on a myriad of committees, I continually seek to ensure that no student is barred from success. In addition to my time in the K-12 classroom, I have honed my pedagogical, research, and leadership skills in graduate school, earning an M.S. in Zoology and an Ed.D. in Educational