Essay On Abortion Right To Know

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Abortion: The Right to Know Abortion is defined as ‘the termination of pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus,’ (“Abortion”). When it comes to the debatable topic of abortion, one thing is for certain. That one thing is that education is key to the health and vitality of a woman. While some women choose the option to abort the unborn child, they may not be aware of the risk of complications that may accompany the procedure. Between the years of 1989 to 2003, there were over 1,497,550 hospitalizations due to complications from abortions (Signh). These numbers do not include the hospitalizations that occurred in the United States. Many women choose to have abortions for their own personal reasons, whether people agree or disagree. Even though abortion is a woman’s choice, obtaining information and being educated about the procedure, reduces the risk of a woman enduring the hardship of being hospitalized due to a …show more content…

Yet, if a woman chooses to have an abortion, the risk factors are not reduced. Many women may find this to be helpful information when deciding whether or not to have an abortion, but changing a woman’s mind is not solely based upon the reduction in risk of cancer. Abortion is not an easy decision for a woman to make. With having an abortion comes the risk of psychological disorders and stress. The grief and confusion one may have with the decision she is faced with can cause depression, feelings of less than another person, and the emotional turmoil of the decision she has made. Although abortion may be judged by others as a heinous crime, no one knows the reasoning behind a woman’s choice. Whether someone supports or does not support the decision being made, information that will help the woman to make the right decision for her and her health is