Essay On Abortion Should Be Illegal

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I think that Abortion should be illegal. I think this because everyone has the right to live and everyday we kill over three thousand babies due to abortion being legal. I don’t like this because that is three thousand babies that could’ve been given to families struggling with having children. The bottom line is 1.5 million abortions happen a year, and there are other and better ways to handle unwanted pregnancies. This is only one of the many reasons why I think abortion should be illegal.
One of the many ways you could deal with an unwanted pregnancy is, putting the baby up for adoption. In most cases this is hard for you because you get attached to the baby in your stomach but sometimes the hardest choice is the best choice you can make …show more content…

According to an article“A third rail has set about pushing for a constitutional amendment that “LIFE begins at conception” the original efforts to pass an amendment about the human LIFE was tapered off in the 1980’s by the 2000’s a new generation of anti-abortionist” By this i mean that when the egg is conceived in the womb it is living and it should not be killed(aborted).I feel like we should pass this constitutional amendment because if it passes that would mean that abortion could possibly be considered as murder. Because technically every baby’s heartbeats at 21 days of being in the womb. Which is roughly seven weeks. Which is hardly enough time to discover you are pregnant. Which in term means by the time you find out the quote bad news out the baby is already a human being, and to kill a human is murder.This being said every third baby is killed by abortion. This is relevant to my reason because I believe everyone has the right to live and if the article says that life is conceived in the womb which By this it means that when the egg is conceived in the womb it is living and it should not be killed(aborted).because to kill a living human is murder. So therefore if you get pregnant then you can’t aborting the