Essay On Abstinence

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Abstaining from My Number One Craving Abstinence (in my case) is the voluntary self-control especially from the indulgence of an appetite or craving from eating specific foods. For this assignment, I have chosen to abstain from Soda. I don’t normally drink soda, but recently with all the stress from school and work soda has been my go to drink. The first time I drank soda was a very long time ago, seeing that I am 19, but when I did drink soda for the first time I remember getting hyper to the point where my parents wouldn’t let me drink soda just because of all the energy I got. Like I said before, I don’t normally drink soda, but because of the increase of hours at my job this semester and the number of difficult classes I am enrolled in …show more content…

For the past 30 days, I could easily say that I have consumed at least one cup of Diet Coke each day since November 12th , which was when I began the road to abstinence. Soda is a highly negative product that affects me and everyone who consumes it biologically, physiologically, socially and spiritually. Soda impacts my life biologically by increasing my risk of getting diabetes, metabolic syndrome and increases in my blood pressure levels. Also, according to medical daily continuously drinking soda for long periods of time can reduce your life span “new research suggests that it can also shorten our lifespan. A recent study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has revealed that drinking soda frequently can shorten the length of telomeres within white blood cells, which can be used as a predictor for human lifespan” (Caba, Justin). …show more content…

A healthy behavior that I have already started is instead of drinking soda I have begun to drink strawberry tea that my mom has been buying for me, even though it may not be super healthy I believe it is way better than drinking soda every

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