Essay On African American Education System

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Although the president has initiated the federal legislation, No Child Left behind to close the gap of achievement influencing our at risk learners, it is no longer feasible for every part of our society especially those considered being underprivileged and diverse ethnic and racial groups to receive run-of-the-mill or inferior grades but each student must achieve on a advanced level. It is important that each student K – 12 receive higher Standards in instruction and have supportive conditions that will enable them to attain the greater levels expected for all. This continuing challenge is profoundly damaging to the African American group, to our state, our country, furthermore our popular government. With each fleeting year, the harm increases and the threat to our imminent future become more intense.
Inferior ratios of secondary school completion lead to fewer jobs, excessive rates of imprisonment, those with poor state of health, drug and alcohol abuse and long cycle of lack. There is no disappointment more unreasonable than the inadequacy to instruct our African American schoolchildren. These are issues of our entire society – issues with profound origins in our country’s history. Yet we can't alter what was done in the past, however, we must change the education system that frames our future.
Its hard …show more content…

African American males are more probable than those of other set of ethnicities to be suspended from school. They are not properly represented in programs for the extremely proficient, but are in excessively represented in specialized curriculum programs, and out done consistently by their female’s counterparts. As an outcome, African American guys regularly encounter the most difficulties in advanced education situations as both students and