
Essay On Autobiographical Memory

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Long-term memory is a framework for all time putting away, overseeing, and recovering data for later use. Things of data put away as long-term memory might be accessible for a lifetime. Long term memory is usually broken down into explicit memory, Which includes episodic memory, semantic memory and autobiographical memory and implicict memory. Autobiographical memory is a memory framework comprising of scenes recalled from an individual 's life, in light of a mix of episodic (personal experiences and specific objects, people and events experienced at particular time and place) and semantic (general knowledge and facts about the world) memory.
The autobiographical learning base contains information of the self, used to give data on what the self is, the thing that the self was, and what the self can be. This data is classified into three wide ranges: lifetime periods, general events, and events specific knowledge. Lifetime periods …show more content…

There are four main groups for the types of autobiographical memories. Biographical or Personal, Copies vs. Reconstructions, Specific vs. Generic, Field vs. Observer. Biographical or Personal often contains biographical information pertaining to whom you are, such as where you were born or whats your parents name. Copies vs. Reconstructions have different levels of authenticity. Copies are bright autobiographical memories of an experience with a considerable amout of visual and sensory-perceptual detail. Specific vs. Generic, specific autobiographical memories contain a detailed memory of a certain event; generic autobiographical memories are vague and hold little detail other than the type of event that occurred. Repisodic autobiographical memories can also be categorized into generic memories, where one memory of an event is representative of a series of similar events. Field vs. Observer, can be experienced from different perspectives. Field memories are memories recollected in the original perspective, from a first-person point of

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