Essay On Bill Of Rights

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Surprisingly, many countries around the world do not give their citizens, many or sometimes even any rights at all, and do not appreciate their residents. The People’s Republic of China is one example of a society that does not function as well, on the other hand the United States has a government which has respect for its people. The Bill of Rights is a document out to people that show them what rights are served to the country. In this bill of rights are listed ten amendments from the Constitution, each give an example of what rights are served. Governments should be giving people respect and rights for their society to function better.
Without the Bill of Rights, America would not be functioning the way it is at the moment. The Bill of Rights …show more content…

Wonder no more. The Bill of rights is a bill that has ten amendments that each have a right to everyone, as said in paragraph one. As said “ Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.” Right to press is surprisingly something many countries do not have. The ten amendments are as followed, “ Right to Press, right to bear arms, right not to quarter soldiers, right not to be unreasonably searched, right to process law, right to accuse, right to trial by jury in civil cases, right from unusual punishments, and any power to the government is reserved to the people.” (Bill of Rights: Summary:2018). Basically, what these amendments mean is that people have the right to reject someone, right to not care for soldiers, right not to be searched by the government without a reason, right to vote for a new law, right to accuse anyone of anything, right to prove innocent in front of a Jury at court, right not to be punished anything different than what you should have been punished, and the rights to the states, that the states can get any power that is not reserved to the government. The bill of rights not only gives people freedom but also shows that the country appreciates people to give them these