
Essay On Child Autism

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Social disorders have been an growing issues in today’s world. The rate of children that act differently than “normal” has expanded tremendously, especially in the past seven years. This has correlated with the increase in screen time young children subject themselves to. Children ranging from one year old to nearly ten years old that have been diagnosed with autism have also been directly linked to having more screen time than their peers. Kids ten and older who entertain themselves with electronics more than their peers have been linked to a higher rate of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Seemingly, children who spend more time than normal being stimulated by screens, often learn social miscues, or don’t learn social skills at all. Autism is a broad spectrum of social disorders. It is characterized by by challenges with social skills, speech and nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors, as well as by unique strengths and differences. Autism comes in several forms, and often time people refer to it as autism spectrum disorder. Autism is very prevalent in the world, and researchers say it affects approximately 1 in 42 boys, and 1 in 189 girls. Autism symptoms usually become noticeable when a child is two or three years old, yet some surface as early six months into a child’s life. People dealing with autism often struggle to …show more content…

From 1992 to 2006 the state of California reported a 600% increase in autism diagnoses. While advancing diagnostic methods account for around 42% of the increase, and parental age at conception shows another 11%, that still leaves nearly 50% of the increase caused by unknown factors. ASD diagnoses are far more frequent than ever before, and the amount of money being put in ASD research and aid is nearly $35 billion per year. That number is likely to rise exponentially in the near future, as the rates of ASD affected people continues to

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