Essay On Effective Leader

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Essay Garth Jetly once said “Being transparent about personal uncertainties and weaknesses makes a more effective leader”. She 's trying to tell the reader that if someone is kind hearted enough to not judge others on their weaknesses, then they will become more of an effective leader. If an effective leader is always accepting than they will have more admirers. If someone has more admirers than it means others see them as someone who has a lot of positive characteristics. In the 1870s people focused on the individual characteristics of leaders because of this, they examined how people can be independent, and their behaviour on being independent. If someone is able to conduct themselves properly, then others are going to become inspired …show more content…

In life there will always be challenging things that you will have to face. If someone is able to overcome these harsh times, then they are strong enough to be a effective leader. A example of someone who has to overcome obstacles is a Chief in the military. Chiefs have to work hard to make sure that their soldiers are prepared for any obstacles that they will have to face. So the Chief to the soldiers is their effective leader and role model. The soldiers will look up to the leader and wish to have the same characteristics. A natural born leader should also be able to overcome any obstacles because they 're the ones with the experience. Experience to be able to take over the harsh times and replace them with positive things. If a leader is wanting to change bad to good then they have to be willing to take sacrifices. But to get to the stage of making sacrifices you will have to overcome the difficult times first. To be able to succeed. Challenges come unexpectedly, but it someone is able to act quick and take action, then they are a example of an effective leader. A leader should be mysterious, patient, and can overcome any obstacles to become effective. Effective enough to be able to be undetermined that you 're a leader. Which in a way is mysterious. An effective leader also needs to be patient to show respect to the people who most admire them. Being able to overcome large obstacles show that you 're strong enough to face any difficult challenges that may come their way. If a leader is in disguise than you are surrounding by leaders all around