Essay On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome happens when a mother of a baby drinks alcohol during pregnancy and the alcohol crosses the placenta into the baby’s bloodstream. Then the baby is not capable of metabolizing it or breaking it down. Would you want your child to always remember your mistakes and what you did to make them handicapped?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) can be physical, mental, or behavioral problems.
Disabilities are developmental conditions caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol or drugs. Primary Disabilities are present immediately after birth that include blood circulation, heart murmurs, respiratory difficulty, and kidney trouble.
Secondary Disabilities that are defects that are not apparent at birth. Secondary disabilities can be …show more content…

Can suffer mental impairments and usually have an IQ ranging from normal to below average. The average IQ is 100 when most Fetal Alcohol Syndrome individuals have an average IQ between 70-80.

Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have difficulties with the school environment and end up with disciplinary actions against them. Some students have trouble with paying attention for long periods of time, getting along with others, and fighting.

Some Fetal Alcohol Syndrome individuals get in trouble with the law and end up being convicted criminals. In most cases the criminal behavior started just as shoplifting then gradually elevated in seriousness with murder and even child molestation.

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior was reported in being recurring in mostly males with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Inappropriate Sexual Behavior can involve touching, exposure, and public masturbation. In more major cases someone with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has illegally molested a child.

Alcohol and drug abuse were reported in many individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. About thirty percent of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome start drinking asteenagers. Of the adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome about fifty-three percent of males and seventy percent of females abuse drugs and alcohol, which is over 5 times that of the general