Essay On Field Analysis

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For my Field Research Analysis Paper, I wanted to choose a location that I personally have been exposed to for a while, so I could uncover what was really happening. I knew I would have to dig deep and look closely for “norms”. I ended up choosing the Pittman Dining Hall also known as the Cafeteria at Mars Hill University. I am inside the cafeteria almost every day, multiple times a day, so I wanted to look past what I observe on a daily basis and uncover norms. I observed this location from 7:37am to 8:48am on Thursday, March 2nd. Once I decided that I would be doing my Field Research in the cafeteria, I then knew I wanted to observe the location sometime in the morning. Mornings are the start of the day for people, so I wanted to see how one’s would conform to norms by society of the Mars Hill students, faculty, and community. I observed a total …show more content…

They [norms] better the cafeteria as a whole. The cafeteria works as a whole, like a body for example. This works very well as a function. People get in lines for example to make everything flow this is a functional example. Now if everyone was to caught in line and bump into each other this would be a dysfunctional perspective and in would create chaos and problems for people. Food would not be served appropriately and this could cause other problems like fights. For example, with the functionalist perspective, the cafeteria acts as a body, like I listed above. Like the human body, the brain tells the hand to scratch the elbow, just like the line in the cafeteria works as conformity to create order. I would like to see more diversity within certain groups in the cafeteria. It would be better if people sitting alone could join a group. This would create less isolation within the cafeteria. Also I would probably even out the number of people on each side of the cafeteria. Other than this there is nothing else that I would like to change about the norms in the