Essay On How Has The Federal Government Have Contributed To The Use Of Renewable Energy

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Climate change and global warming are two issues that have been increasingly recognized by the public as a threat to the environment and to social well-being since the latter half of the twentieth century. Scientists have done research predicting that the use of alternative energy, rather than the use of fossil fuel emitting energy sources, can have a positive effect on the environment. They have the potential to reduce or slow global warming threats to the environment. Several different types of alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources have been introduced including wind, solar, geothermal and biomass. The federal government has contributed to the promotion of alternative energy sources, notably with President Obama’s Climate Action …show more content…

Renewable energy is able to be replenished over a short period of time, unlike fossil fuels which are finite, nonrenewable resources. Oil and gas are limited resources and takes a prolonged period of time to be restored. Alternative energy sources include solar power, wind geothermal power, biomass, biogas, and low-impact hydroelectricity (Environmental Protection Agency). Alternative energy sources can be used for the same tasks as fossil fuels. They can be used to generate electricity and power automobiles, other modes of transportation, and machines. Alternative energy is the fastest growing energy source due to the new plans established by governments to encourage the use of clean energy (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions). So far, alternative energy has had a positive impact on the …show more content…

Since 1880, the Earth has warmed a total of 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit (Gillis). Although this does not seem like a significant increase in temperature, especially over such a prolonged period, it has already had a critical impact on the environment. The majority, if not all, of global warming since 1950 has been the result of human emission of greenhouse gases. This could ultimately result in a global warming change of eight degrees Fahrenheit (Gillis). Globally, the ten warmest years on record occurred after 1998. Temperatures are continuing to rise and 2014 was the noted hottest year on record worldwide (Climate Change and President Obama’s…). Human emissions account for a massive amount of heat that is released on Earth daily. The amount is equivalent to 100,000 atomic bombs being deployed each day (Gillis). This amount of heat, along with other factors including carbon dioxide emissions, has accounted for the rise in average global temperature over the years. This increase in global temperature will result in other threats to the environment as well as the safety and health of the human population. Such threats to the environment could include melting of the polar ice caps, increasing the sea level so much that coastal cities flood; triggering a mass extinction of plants and animals; and ultimately