Essay On Marching Band In High School

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“Performing Life in Color, the PRIDE OF CALEDONIA!” I close my eyes, but not for too long. Shortly after opening them, I prepare to play Counting Stars by One Republic. A few moments of silence pass and I silently count in unison with the rest of the band: “One, two, ready, and step!” Band in its many forms—Choir, Jazz, Piano, Marching, and Concert—comprised a large part of my life. Its members were my second family, so to speak. The band program offered me the involvement I desired to be a part of in Columbus, Mississippi. Moving from Germany the summer prior to my freshman year meant I had lost the roots I had grown during middle school. Stripped, I felt unequipped to tackle my first year of high school. Nevertheless, over time, the band was able to transform my character and establish the foundation by which I continue to develop academically, …show more content…

Chambers, promoted me to trumpet section leader. As a freshman, I believed I was unprepared and quite frankly, the wrong choice. Nonetheless, the newly entrusted responsibility forced me to push aside timidity and assume a leadership role. To accomplish this, I sought guidance from Mr. Chambers and the other section leaders. My fellow students became friends and my band director became a mentor. Gradually, I learned to guide considerately while upholding the standards of the program. As a mentor, Mr. Chamber’s guidance allowed me to flourish academically and spiritually. Integrated into his musical instruction was the pursuit of excellence. As I grasped that idea, it slowly translated to all facets of my life. I began to perceive both my education and spirituality as opportunities rather than obligations. Moreover, I admired him for his propensity to place others before himself. His vulnerability with me taught me the true sacrifices of leadership. I believe what I learned in Caledonia reflects much of who I am: I strive for excellence and value others above