Essay On Obesity In America

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Obesity in America is an enormous problem that is growing daily(Ogden, 483-90). Obesity is not an issue that happens overnight, it’s an issue with deep roots greatly affecting American children. Children in America are more likely to be obese than children of other nationalities. Because of this, children in America are much more likely to suffer from serious ailments that others outside of America may not have to face. The issues linked to childhood and adolescent obesity tend to have long-term effects and cause serious life-long problems. Childhood and adolescent obesity is an epidemic in the United States of America.
To further the understanding of how obesity in children and adolescents is truly an issue, the concept of obesity itself must be comprehended. To be overweight and to be obese are not the same thing. Doctors classify an overweight individual to be roughly ten to twenty percent over their normal weight. Obesity …show more content…

The root of childhood and any other obesity is an energy imbalance. There are too many calories (energy) consumed and not enough energy output. Something as simple as tweaking a child’s diet or physical activity could greatly affect their health and ability to lose, gain, or maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is on the rise partially because of more recent changes in the average American diet. This includes over-consumption of sugary drinks, snack foods, and larger portion sizes. A study of children showed that by increasing sugary drinks alone increased the body-mass-index over time (Sahoo, 187-92). When a child eats large portions, and consumes snack foods and sugary drinks frequently it will lead to obesity, especially when there is a lack of physical activity. With technology advancing and younger generations becoming more dependent upon electronic devices a sedentary lifestyle becomes more and more normal. This leads to more obese children that need help becoming

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