Essay On Obesity In America

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Obesity in America America has always been known in many countries for our unique ingredients on how we make our foods and the enormous sizes we serve to Americans. Due to this, one third of adults and one in six children are obese in America. This epidemic has citizens questioning themselves “Is the government doing enough to prevent obesity in America?” Through enough research and statistical findings, the government is trying to encourage Americans to be more productive. However, not enough is being done to decline the percentages of Americans who are obese.

Statistics on obesity in America compared to other Nations
The United States is home to the highest number of overweight and obese people in the world. In America, 70.9 percent of …show more content…

Gomez’s article “When Did Obesity become an Issue” he identifies reasons on why each year the number of Americans becoming overweight are increasing. He states that, “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just over one-third of U.S. adults, about 97 million, are obese. This number is expected to rise to 42 percent by the year 2030.” The American lifestyles is always changing with the majority of the development of new electronics in our household such as televisions, computers and gaming systems. These gadgets give citizens a reason to stay indoors glued to the chair, sofa, or bed. Another factor that aids obesity, is the larger portion sizes of most items purchased when dining out. Not only will you find that the sizes of meals at restaurants and fast foodspots have grown quite large over the years, but even items purchased from convenience stores and supermarkets have increased. Gomez states in his articles that, “A muffin which used to be the size of a baseball, is now the size of a softball. A Big Gulp soda from the popular store 7/11 used to be 32 ounces, now they offer a hefty 44 ounce Super Big Gulp and even a Double Gulp that has a staggering 64 ounces of sugary liquid.” Through these factors, obesity is portrayed as part of our culture in everyday

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