Obesity In America Essay

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In today’s society, obesity is an important issue to take into account in our country. Specifically in America, obesity is a huge problem affecting many females and males. In most cases obesity affects individuals who are suffering from behaviors that may have been factored by past instances. Depression, lack of resources, an inactive lifestyle all factor into obesity. In addition, obesity has affected more Americans than any other individual residing in their own country.
According to MayoClinic.org, obesity is a disorder uncontrolled large masses of body fat that increases the chances of bad health. Individuals are normally victimized by obesity when they consume more calorie than they burn off in a given day. Those who are affected by obesity tend to have an increasing body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. Many people who are affected by obesity tend to eat more in their diet – food that may be high in cholesterol, calories, sodium, etc. Some individuals may become aware of their obese state when they tend to eat many unhealthy foods. In other instances, some individuals may be unaware of their obese state due to obese history in their family. There are many factors that contribute to this behavior.
There are always reasons that contribute to certain behaviors. For example, smoking tobacco leads to lung cancer …show more content…

In the context of inactive lifestyle, many individuals may not work out or do every day routines. What this means is that throughout most of your day, one may eat more than they actually walk, exercise, or do some type of function that allows them to work their muscles. The consumption of calories may build up and one may not burn it off easily by lying in bed all day. Unhealthy diet plays a huge role in an inactive lifestyle as well. Based on what you eat daily and weekly will definitely factor your health status. The consumption of carbohydrates and calories plays a huge role and could determine your

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