How To Write An American Obesity Essay

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American Obesity Essay “ Exercise , eat healthier , and start eating less , “ are just a few things people hear daily when talking about a healthy lifestyle . Our generation thinks that obesity is simple to overcome or simply blame on one another , however we have to really focus on why, and whose fault it really is. With the new year come resolutions , and some of those resolutions are to lose weight, if only it were that simple. We should start focusing less on the gym , and more on the real problem , which is the food industries advertisements food availability, and growing serving sizes.
Although the fast food industry does not force and shove unhealthy …show more content…

How can people avoid fast foods when all the food industry does is make it extremely accessible for all of us by advertising and pricing them at low costs. In the article Fast -Food Culture Serves Up Super Size America Murray acknowledges that we live in a toxic food environment , because of all the fast food restaurants , the burger advertising , and all the candies at the store. Kids from an early age see Ronald McDonald advertising burgers and they obviously think it is a good thing to be eating those things because hey come on it is on television and they are just kids so they do not know any better. All the food restaurants are usually located close to each other and there is a variety of them to choose from and the pricing is cheap many of the times . Well , what does that say about the choices our citizens will make ? Writing in the causes and consequences of obesity the centers for diseases control and prevention insist that people may make decisions based on their environment or community. Let us just say that we mostly see fast food restaurants and advertisements with low cost food ,they will easily make the decision to go to eat to that place instead of one that takes forever to make your food plus is expensive. Our community has a lot to do with the