Essay On Obesity In America

726 Words3 Pages

One third of americans are considered obese, and what is even worse is that nearly seventy percent are considered overweight
Obesity is a huge problem in America, not only is it a huge problem for people, but it could also be a killer to some people
Obesity ruins people's lives, it makes moving and exercising harder, it makes medical bills get more expensive, and it leads to more and more health problems
Obesity is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., Americans need to understand what a huge problem obesity is, and that the percentage of obese people should be lowered in the U.S.

Opponents argue that we shouldn’t have to give up our privileges to help others that couldn’t help themselves
Statistics show that “adding a 20% tax on potato chips would reduce 830 …show more content…

to take care of two huge problems by only fixing one problem
The amount of money the U.S is spending on obesity is also a problem
The United States spent “150 billion each year on obesity related illnesses
Right now America is eighteen trillion dollars in debt, and being able to save that much money on a problem that can be helped is absurd Obesity is causing to many problems that could be easily fixed by helping the people that are in need
There are many solutions to that could help reduce the obesity rates, but the problem is trying to convince people to support it We could include a tax for junk foods that could be bought in markets and gas stations
We could also stop or reduce the amount of fast foods restaurants is the U.S. People need to stop relying on fast food to feed themselves, right now “fast food restaurants feed more than 50 million each and every day
One study shows that “high taxes may lead to a measureable decrease in obesity on a population level.
People may argue that they don’t want to add this tax, and that it is to expensive for the