Essay On Obesity In America

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Obesity is one of the biggest problems in America today, costing Americans billions for treatment daily. In America, today obesity is one of many problems we face as US citizens and its everywhere around us especially in adults and even teenagers and children. Many of us look in the mirror each morning and think what could we do to slim down and get fit. In this essay, I’m going to explain how big a problem it is in America today and what we can do to solve this problem.
Anyhow obesity is costing Americans billions of dollars to treat it. (NA,NA) Currently, estimates for these costs range from $147 billion to nearly $210 billion per year.1 There’s only so many ways you can go for treatment, which isn’t a great thing because many Americans are not motivated to get …show more content…

As you can see Obesity is a huge problem but it’s not the obesity that will kill you it’s the problems that come with it which most people don’t understand. When someone is obese they could have different things going on in their body slowly killing them from the inside, this is why it cost so much money to get these problems straightened out. It’s not cheap to get rid of liver failure or even cure it for a little while it’s a long procedure that requires very good surgeons and another liver for a transplant, same thing goes for heart problems. (NA, 2017) “In the long term, childhood obesity also is associated with having obesity as an adult,23 which is linked to serious conditions and diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and several types of cancer.” Which is why it’s great to get fit while your young and make sure your eating habits are right why the metabolism is strong, unlike when you get older and the metabolism isn’t as strong you can’t have the same eating habits you could have had when you were in the teenage years eating candy and food all the

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