Obesity in America “The only way to solve the weight problem is to stop making weight a problem” once said by Linda Bacon. Obesity is a huge problem in our society. This condition is horrible for people. It can even kill you! The problem it causes is huge, society has normalized it so much that people think they are perfect even though they may be dying of cancer, or something like diabetes. Almost half of the US population is obese or overweight. Precisely 41% of the time. and this is all because of people. Many things can cause obesity like overeating, no exercise and genetics. So I think the American healthcare system needs to do more to prevent obesity because it leads to diabetes, heart failure, and death. There are some perspectives on obesity in America, like certain people say. But with people trying to get tired of obesity, it creates bad habits like, discrimination against the obese or obese stereotypes. According to university Wire “I also want to …show more content…
However, the reason there is this discrimination or stereotypes is because people are obese, if they were not or are significantly reduced we would not have these things. also would you rather have diabetes and cancer patients increase or have obesity in america decrease? According to the New York Times “Including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint and back pain, and several cancers.” So just because people may have stereotypes of obese people does not mean that the US health system should not do anything about it. Obesity can be caused in many different ways and there are a lot of life risking conditions that come with it. The opinions of The American Academy of Pediatrics say “More than 14.4 million U.S. children and teens are at risk of serious short and long-term health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and behavioral health issues, if untreated.” This quote is significant because it shows that there is a crazy amount of young kids that are at risk for