Obesity In America Essay

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We live in a world which sadly produces many things to fear, it comes with the territory. Some examples include diseases that run rampant, shootings, terrorism and car accidents. All of which for the most part are unforeseen and unavoidable. However, there is one issue which plagues many Americans adults and children alike. Obesity is an issue that has dire affects on the health of a large population of Americans. In terms of obesity these effects are all preventable issues. They are controlled by the person who it affects. In order to not have to deal with these life threatening occurrences a choice needs to be made. However, for many Americans that choice is not always easy to make. There are numerous problems associated with obesity. It can cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and increases the risk of cancer. These risks bring about another issue which is the rise of health care costs. So not only are you are effecting your health but you are also putting your financial situation at a demerit because of obesity. In addition to the physical and financial problems, there are emotional risks as well. People suffering from obesity might fall victim to low self esteem, social anxiety, depression, and even eating disorders (Mills, …show more content…

One of the more obvious forms is genetics. A number of genes have been found which influence food intake causing obesity. Another source that is equally as important is environmental. The area you live in greatly impacts your chance of becoming obese. While it is not exclusive to low income or poverty stricken communities the chance is far more likely than in higher income areas. The issue stems from the fact that the cheapest most readily available food also happens to be the unhealthiest. It is easier and more economical to buy food from a fast food chain than it is to find a farmer’s market or to go to a supermarket to buy fresh whole foods for your entire

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