In today's society, we have more people that are obesese than every before and this problem seems to be getting increasingly worse. With factors ranging from sedentary jobs, to food prices, to lack of exercise, and even how one was raised, there are many reasons that today's Americans are becoming increasingly overweight. This epidemic has several negative effects that include physical health problems, mental health problems, lack of quality of life, and even effects our future generation's health status as well. Many Americans today have jobs where they cannot move around much throughout the day. This causes the body not to be able to burn as many calories as it would if a person were allowed to move around more freely. Also, with rising food cost, people that already have sedentary jobs are having to work more to be able to afford things which in turn causes them to be even more sedentary. Rising food cost is another big factor that limits how well people can take care of themselves. Americans stay so busy that we might not always have time to go home after work and prepare a meal for ourselves. This then leaves the alternative of getting some fast food on the way home. Fast food may be a quick way to get out of cooking, but it doesn't always have the most nutritious options. When getting fast food, there seems to be a problem of …show more content…
People who are severley overweight suffer from lower self esteems which can lead to depression and other emotional problems. After a person has depression, one of the ways that people cope is by stress eating which in turn just causes a viscious and never ending cycle. Having all of these problems will cause a person's quality of life to be reduced. They will not be able to move about or travel or be able to enjoy their lives as they would be able to if they were a healthy weight. This too could lead to emotional