Essay On Philosophy Of Leadership

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Any individual with the ability to lead a group of people - whether a sports team, an organization, or a community, can call himself or herself a leader. However it takes a whole lot more than a strong voice or hefty muscles. What makes a great leader is his power to listen, lead and maintain a sense of system through which members, can be collaborative and voice their opinions in a transparent manner , and influence decisions .like in a democracy, vote, or have influence on decisions.
Leadership cannot be learned from a book, but it can be learned through many avenues - Some people take classes, others take upon the subject naturally by learning through experience. In society, there are those who will compete for power and those who will hide behind the shadows, never receiving the attention they deserve for their thoughts and ideas. If not for these people hiding behind the shadows, civilization would be progressing even faster than ever could have been imagined…
From a pragmatic perspective, it is important to contemplate the external forces and perspectives that shape people’s capabilities and ideas. For example early scientists in history, especially those with theories that …show more content…

The leader motivates and inspires his or her peers to engage and have influence in making their goal a reality. To be able to achieve the goal, the leader must understand the strengths and weaknesses, as for himself, but for every person on his team too. Understanding what people are best at is likely just important as hot fudge is in an ice-cream sundae. Understanding the toppings of a sundae, knowing the strengths and weaknesses, will allow projects to be complete more proficiently. Also, in addition to making better combinations of ice-cream sundaes, with those who do something best, and still makeshift so that at the end of the day, his people are only becoming superior at everything they