Essay On Sexual Assault In America

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Sexual Assault In America
Sexual assault in America is a serious problem for our society. Right now, men and women will focus more on a woman having a lot of consensual sex rather than shaming a man for raping women. Rape can affect the mind just as much as the body. These unfair judgments within our society cause sexual assault victims to be oppressed and are ashamed for being victims. Therefore, rape is more common and almost normalized by men and some women. What is rape?
Rape happens when one side of the two or more parties does not willingly give consent or is unable to give consent when a sexual act is taken place. In other words, “Rape is a form of sexual battery that is performed against their will or when they are unable to give consent. This is when someone is taken advantage of while they are unconscious, incapacitated, or legally unable to consent (usually being underage).” ( Legal Resources) With this being said, rape may not always leave bruises, cuts, or obvious injuries, but don’t get confused, because this is a violent act. Not only does it attack the body, but many sexual assault victims are left with mental health problems.
What is Consent? …show more content…

It may not be as common, but males can get sexually assaulted. The age and sex group that is most likely to be sexually assaulted out of the general population are 16-19 year old women. Women that are enrolled in colleges at the age of 18-24 are also more likely to experience sexual violence. Not to make matters worse, but 13 percent of rape victims will attempt at suicide after the traumatic event. (Huffpost) Given all of these numbers and statistics, one may question why the numbers are so high. One possible answer would be something called “Rape