Sexual Assault On College Campuses Essay

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Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes in America. With 21 percent (1 in 5 women) of undergrad students stating that they have been sexual assaulted since starting school, 63 percent are never actually reported to the police. Why do women have such a hard time with reporting their cases? The truth is, when the survivors come forward, prosecutors often won’t take on their cases. Reason being is that it’s hard to get a guilty verdict in a sexual assault trial, leaving them to only take on the cases that have a higher chance of a win. Also, when a man is found guilty, their punishment is very lenient or even nothing at all. With all of the problems students face in college, this shouldn't make the list. Morals have a lot to do with the wrong and right ways to deal with these types of situations, so why hasn’t greater caution been put in place? Sexual assault on college campuses is a major threat to students, and the punishment for the assaulter responsible is very minimal. For change to take place not only does the government need to step in, but awareness on campuses need to be brought out of the dark. Sexual assault on college campuses sadly leaves consequences for those involved, accountability for the perpetrator is little to none, and insignificant policies to insure student safety. First, many ask the …show more content…

Their findings suggest that students are not so much victims of a ‘rape culture’ as they are victims of faulty institutional policies that contribute to a higher risk of sexual assault. If our nation wants a change in the colleges students attend, policies need to be put in place to ensure their safety. Instead of banning alcohol or co-ed dorms completely, we should help students become more aware of the consequences they could face in the activities they partake