Essay On The Great Obesity Epidemic

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The Great Obesity Epidemic Imagine driving or walking around the city and seeing how obesity is ubiquitous and how it has caused many problems in the young society. Obesity got worst sinces the 70s because instead of small portion, youth started to eat from large portions. It’s up for the 18-26 years old to fix this problem because adolescent don’t know how bad the body is getting harm and how this disease is causing people to get diseases. Obesity develops over time when young teenagers take in more calories than the body uses, or when energy in is more than the energy out. This energy imbalance causes the body to store fats. Imbalance means that the energy in is not equal to the energy going out. Energy in is the amount of calories the body gets from food and drinks. Energy out is the amount of calories that the body consumes such as breathing, digesting, being physically active, and regulating body temperature. Many …show more content…

Fast foods may lead to excess calorie intake and increase the risk of obesity because of large portions sizes and increasing energy density of foods. Fast food are typically high in calories, high in fat, high in saturated and trans fat, high in sugar, high in simple carbohydrates, and high in sodium (salt). In the article, The battle against fast food begins in the home, Weintraub says, “Fast food is fast. It can seem cheap, at least before you start adding the fries and sodas and desserts” (13). Low income causes obesity because some poor families have limited food budgets and choices. Some family live in disadvantaged neighborhoods where healthy foods are hard to find, so instead of large markets, poor families have a disproportionate number of fast food chains and small food stores providing cheap, high-fat foods. Large portions sizes in restaurants have double or triple their sizes. This has potentially increased in obesity among youth and